Taking the right classes? Make sure you’re signed up for courses that meet A–G requirements for UC. Staying on track will help you succeed at a great school when the time comes.
Challenge yourself by taking classes that go above and beyond the minimum requirements. You’ll learn a lot, and colleges will appreciate your efforts to push yourself intellectually.
In the fall, try to take on leadership roles in school clubs, the arts, student council or anything else that interests you. You’ll gain new perspectives and skills and learn a lot about yourself along the way.
If you’re going through a rough patch with math or want the chance to review new concepts, turn to Khan Academy for help.
For 10th grade, choose challenging courses that meet A–G requirements for UC and go beyond the minimum requirements. Getting ahead now will make your transition to college easier.
Explore taking on a leadership role for student council, clubs or anything that appeals to you for 10th grade, even if it means stepping outside your comfort zone. You’ll discover new skills and talents and learn a lot about yourself.