Over the summer, play around with apps that are designed to test your math abilities so you can keep your skills fresh. Staying sharp will help make learning new math in 11th grade easier.
Visit local colleges and universities with family and friends whenever you can and take virtual college tours online. Opening your eyes to the possibilities will help you hone in on what you want your future to look like.
Spend time thinking about career ideas and majors that sound interesting and researching colleges that offer programs in those areas. Once you find schools that seem like a good fit, you can start to get a sense of what they look for in applicants.
Get more involved in extracurriculars that build on your passions, interests and skills. Whether you’re into bass guitar, baseball or baking, colleges will be impressed by your desire to become an expert in the areas that interest you.
This fall, schedule a tour of UCLA so you can get a glimpse at what your future might hold and get a feel for life at college.
Form a study group with like-minded friends who have similar college goals. You can learn from one another while helping each other reach for your dreams.
Check out the personal insight questions on the UC application so you can start pondering the topics you’ll be asked to explore on college applications.
Don’t miss out on college fairs and visits from college admission representatives and current students. You can learn about colleges near and far without having to buy plane tickets.